Re: Kerberos availability (Re: NIS)

Tim Scanlon (
Fri, 21 Apr 95 02:35:43 -0400

|It may not be exportable but it's definately been exported, I've seen a fully
|working version of Kerberos running here in Australia and once it's out
|of the US its perfectly legal to use it.

|As well as the full version being exported illegally, people have built
|the bones kerberos back to a working version by combining it
|with other implementations of DES outside the US.  Just go look at some of
|those FTP sites in Norway.

Thus proving the idiocy of ITAR yet again... About all export restrictions
on this stuff seem to accomplish is criminalizing and inhibiting the
sharing of data designed to meet security needs. i.e. they do a great
job of screwing the good guys.

Needless to say it also throws the US behind the curve in crypto and
security development too in many respects. You would think that the
US's history of piss poor performance in cryptographic security would
provide a foundation for learning. Apperently not though.

Sorry to get political, but I do security, and belive in privacy, and
have fundemental disagreements with the idea of forign & domestic
monitoring. Basicly I get pretty ticked over this issue...


________________________________________________________________ (NeXTmail, MIME)  Tim Scanlon
George Mason University     (PGP key avail.)  Public Affairs
I speak for myself, but often claim demonic posession